City Council Meeting Packets

122021 Council Packet

120621 Council Packet

111521 Council Packet

110121 Council Packet

101821 Council Packet

100421 Council Packet

092021 Council Packet

090721 Council Packet

081621 Council Packet

080221 Council Packet

071921 Council Packet

070621 Council Packet

062121 Council Packet

060721 Council Packet

051721 Council Packet

050321 Council Packet

041921 Council Packet

040521 Council Packet

031521 Council Packet

030121 Council Packet

021621 Council Packet

020121 Council Packet

011921 Council Packet

010421 Council Packet

City Council Agendas

City Council Minutes


The village of Proctorknott was incorporated in 1894. It took its name after J. Proctor Knott, a Congressman who delivered a satirical speech ridiculing…


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