Election Information


Minnesota Secretary of State has both the voter registration and absentee ballot application online in a submittable format – no printing or mailing.




In Minnesota ‘voting early’ is the absentee ballot system. Voters can have the ballot mailed to them or go to the St. Louis County Courthouse and cast their ballot personally. Either way, it starts with an absentee ballot application

General Election Information

REGISTRATION ON ELECTION DAY:  Be sure to bring along proof of residence.  As proof of residence, any one of the following is authorized.

  • Valid Minnesota driver’s license or learner’s permit (or receipt for either) showing current address in precinct
  • Valid Minnesota identification card (or receipt) showing current address or one of the above with a former address and a current utility bill
  • Tribal ID
  • A current utility bill with a photo ID card
  • U. S. passport with current utility bill
  • U. S.  military ID card with current utility bill
  • Oath of a voter registered in the precinct, who is not a challenger, signed in the presence of a judge who also signs the oath
  • “Notice of ineffective registration”
  • Valid registration in the same precinct

Students may use:

  • Student ID card fee statement
  • Student registration card with current address on it
  • A certified student list with current address & student photo ID
  • A utility bill with current address & student ID card

QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTERS:  To vote in any election in Minnesota, you must be:

  • 18 or more years of age on the day of the election
  • A citizen of the United States
  • A resident of the state for at least 20 days

* If you have not voted in the last four years, changed your name or address, you must re-register on Election Day at your precinct.*

If a resident of St. Louis County and want to vote by absentee ballot, complete and submit an absentee ballot application. Absentee ballots will be available 46 days before an election. Minnesota voters no longer need a reason to vote absentee. Voters may check the status of their application or ballot on the Secretary of State website.

To apply online, click on the appropriate link below:

Online Absentee Ballot Application

Online Military/Overseas FPCA Application
To download a paper application, click on the appropriate link below:

Paper Absentee Ballot Application

Paper Military/Overseas FPCA Absentee Ballot Application
Voters return the application to the County Auditor’s office by mail, fax, or e-mail.
St. Louis County Auditor
100 North  5th Avenue West, Room 214
Duluth, MN 55802-1293
E-mail: elections@stlouiscountymn.gov
Fax: (218) 725-5060
Telephone: (218) 726-2385To  ll Free: 1-800-450-9777 (Minnesota only)

All township and St. Louis County residents can vote in-person at the County Auditor’s Office at the following locations: 
Duluth Courthouse
100 North 5th Avenue West
Duluth, MN 55802-1293     (218) 726-2385
Virginia Government Services Center 
201 South 3rd Avenue West
Virginia, MN 55792     (218) 749-7104


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