Zoning & Building Information
Building Permit Information, Permit Applications and the current department Fee Schedule are provided below.
Building & Zoning Frequently Asked Questions
Building/Zoning Permit Application
Grading/ Excavation/Fill Permit and Information
Fence Permit
Plumbing Permit
Conditional Use Permit
Sewer Lateral Information and Forms
Residential Accessory Building Construction
City Height and Area Regulations for Primary Structures
Parcel Consolidation Form-St. Louis County
Fence Zoning Information
Deck Permit Information Packet
Zoning Map
Proctor Sign Ordinance
New Home Permit Packet
Valuation Fee Schedule
St. Louis County Land Explorer Zoning
⇒ Proctor Zoning Map
⇒ St. Louis County MN Land Explorer for Proctor Zoning
Users of county land explorer can choose “Zoning and Land Use” layer (drop down arrow to the right of the “Cadastral”) in land explorer and go to Proctor area for the zoning map. When the user clicks on a particular zone, a pop up will appear with information on how the land is zoned and will include a link to Proctor’s zoning contact information.
(1) O/R Open Space – Recreational District
(2) S Suburban District
(3) R-1-a One Family Residential District
(4) R-1-b One Family Residential District
(5) R-1-c One Family Residential District
(6) R-2 Two Family Residential District
(7) R-3 Apartment Residential District
(8) C-1 Retail District
(9) C-2 Commercial District
(10) I Industrial District
Building Permits, Code & Inspections
In an effort to ensure buildings are constructed to minimum standards for safety and durability Proctor has adopted the Minnesota State Building Code. Building Safety Division staff reviews building plans and permit applications, issues building permits and conducts a wide range of field inspections to ensure compliance with the State Building Code and Property Maintenance Compliance.
Minnesota State Building Code requires an owner or authorized agent to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any gas, mechanical, electrical, plumbing system, or other equipment, the installation of which is regulated by the code or cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.
Any questions, please contact City Hall at (218) 624-3641
Building Official: Jim Rich
Building Inspector: Jay Boysen
Electrical Inspector: James Bjorklund
For detailed building permit requirements and general information click on the items below. Contact City Hall directly with specific questions.
- Building Plans
- Emergency Escapes and Rescue Openings
- Foundation Drainage
- Kickout Flashing
- Notching & Boring
- Radon
- Replacing Window
- Safety Glazing
- Smoke Alarms
- Stairs & Guardrails