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Notice of Public Hearing
City of Proctor Zoning Amendment

Notice is hereby given that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Proctor, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 24th, at a regular meeting beginning at 5:00 PM at the Proctor Area Community Center (PACC) 100 Pionk Drive Minnesota, to consider recommending the addition of ORDINANCE NO. 04-25 “PMUD” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT – SECTION 155.180-187

A full description of the ordinance can be found at www.proctormn.gov or at Proctor City Hall. For questions and comments, please contact Jess Rich, City Administrator, at 218-624-3641 or jrich@proctormn.gov.

Dated: This 31st day of January 2025.

Jessica Rich, City Administrator

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